Completed 1998

……ricettacolo per disadattati, tossici, galeotti, personalità borderline varie (il mio pubblico!!) collocato proprio nel cuore della cittadina, a 20 metri dalla stazione di polizia, talmente famigerato da avere ben 6 (sei) videocamere di sorveglianza puntate contro……….


Completed at the beginning of the Internet Age, The Silicon Bar is located in the historical center of Osimo. The idea was to create a virtual threshold between the traditional Italian urban space and the imminent (in 1998) global “world of information.” In the original project, one free-to-use desktop connected to the internet, sound system, and a main projector, allowed the crowd to interact with media or to create their own content . Throughout its more than 20 years of existence, the Silicon Bar has been (and still is) a favorite spot for the marginal yet most creative and culturally advanced component of the local society.

Design: C.Luchetti + P. Mencacci

Construction Supervision: P. Mencacci

Location: Osimo , An, Italy

Pictures by Aurelio Laloni + Various Social Media Posts

Video by Aurelio Laloni